Approximately 25% of the homes built in 2018 had some form of deck. There is no hiding the idea of their popularity; they are a perfect area for gatherings and for time to relax. 

With the fun comes the upkeep though. As they are subject to weathering 100% of the time, proper deck maintenance is essential to keep their quality up. Here is a good maintenance regime to use.

Planning Ahead

An easy way to approach deck maintenance is segmenting tasks. Certain chores are needed most during particular times of the year.

Keeping that in mind, you can have a plan of attack to keep your deck in the best of shape, allowing you to develop preventive measures as well as the standard routine.

Even though the different times of year have certain tasks that are best suited for them, you’ll want to make sure you do a heavy-duty (read: thorough) cleaning. This most likely would be during the spring cleaning period.

Take time to plan out your space and potentially a new strategy to revitalize the area.

Spring Cleaning

When doing the real cleaning, the method will change dependent on the material, be aware there are very important details to each.

No matter the type of deck, however, you are going to want to do this on a cooler day where the sun will not quickly dry up the cleaner used.

Before beginning any deck maintenance be sure to remove any debris, clean between deck grooves, and make sure to cover and protect any plants surrounding the decking.

Composite Deck

Be careful of what you clean composite decking with. It is recommended that a soft brush be used. When working with this type of decking you never want to use any type of pressure washer as those tools can easily create damage.

Any type of deck washer or lightener containing oxalic acid can be utilized to remove leaf stains and/or rust build-up.

Vinyl Deck

Of the three vinyl decking is fairly straightforward. Simply brush, rinse, and dry all in a circular motion.

Wood Deck

A wood deck requires the most care and maintenance. Using a stiff brush or roller, apply cleaner making sure to not over-apply or allow any to pool in areas.

Do not let the cleaner dry until you have finished scrubbing the deck. Once you clean that, let it dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

It is a wise idea to use a deck coat to seal the wood regularly. This will help keep the integrity and lookup. Paint is not a replacement for a quality seal.

Summer-Time Maintenance

As it gets a little warmer it is time to check what the physical state of the deck is. If it needs any repairs or rebuilding.

Structural items such as posts, beams, and most importantly the ledger should be first on your list. The ledger is the piece that the deck connects to the house with. Almost all instances of collapses are from this part being damaged.

Check for cracks and rot. Remember a crack may not seem like anything now but they will continue to split. You should replace any that are found. 

Cleaning and Prevention in the Fall

The fall season is much like the spring and should be used as a final check to make sure all things were taken care of.

If you potentially did not get all of the sealing or cleaning done this would be the time to take care of that.

Make sure that all leaves and debris are continually cleaned from the deck so that moisture does not build up and promote the growth of rot or mold.

Proper Deck Maintenance Extending Outdoor Life

High-quality materials paired with a strict maintenance regimen will give your deck years of use. Spending all their time subjected to the elements you need to make sure deck maintenance time is spent effectively. 

To put that quality foundation to your outdoor space, be it a patio, deck, or otherwise make see what Garage Force can do for you.