We’ve all taken a tumble at some point and usually, the only thing that is hurt is our pride. However, taking a fall in the workplace can put you at risk for more serious injuries. In 2020, employers reported 2.7 million non-fatal workplace injuries and illnesses, but falls are one of the most avoidable.

Workplace safety should be a priority for every business. If you want to prevent those slips and falls, consider investing in an anti-slip floor. Keep reading for six reasons why they’re a good idea.

What Is An Anti-Slip Floor?

Anti-slip flooring has more slip resistance. Slip resistance is a rougher texture on the floor that allows more traction to prevent slips and falls.

Non-slip flooring is simple to add, with several different types of non-slip floors and coating options available:

  • Epoxy coating
  • Non-slip vinyl
  • Natural stone
  • Concrete coating
  • Cork
  • Films
  • Linoleum
  • Urethane coating
  • Polyurea coating

If you’re looking for a simple way to add some protection to your floors, a coating is the way to go. 

1. Cost-Effective

Opting for a floor coating instead of a complete re-do on your floors is a cost-effective way to improve your floor safety. With floor coatings, you don’t have the added labor costs of removing and reinstalling flooring or expensive materials. 

2. Easy, Disruption Free Installation

Adding an anti-slip coating to your floor is simple work that doesn’t have to halt your business hours to complete. Nearly all nonslip flooring treatments can be done during regular business hours without affecting your day-to-day and putting a dent in productivity.

3. Reduce Workplace Accidents

In 2019, it was determined that 27 percent of non-fatal workplace injuries were the result of slips or falls. By prioritizing nonslip workplace floors, you can ensure the safety of employees while protecting your business from the expenses that coincide with workplace injuries. 

4. Simple Maintenance

Once a coating is applied, cleaning and maintaining your nonslip floors is a breeze. They hold less dirt than the average floor, can withstand a large amount of foot traffic, and hold up to a variety of conditions. These qualities help save money and time on maintenance and cleaning crews.  

5. Give Your Floors A Facelift

On top of providing safety for employees and guests, you can also use your upgrade to non-slip flooring as an opportunity to boost the appearance. Most concrete and epoxy floor coating comes with a variety of finish options to choose from to take your floor to the next level. 

Here at Garage Force, we even have metallic options for some added shine! 

6. Multifunctional

The best part about upgrading to an anti-slip flooring option is that they are multifunctional and work well in a range of spaces. Whether you want to improve warehouse, garages, kitchen, office, or laboratory space, you can find an option that fits your needs. 

Upgrade Your Flooring Today 

If you want to boost your safety measures with an anti-slip floor, look no further than a nonslip floor coating. At Garage Force, we’re a step above the rest with a stronger finish, customizations, chemical resistance, and year-round application.

Contact us for your free quote today or book an appointment online.