More than 800,000 people per year are hospitalized with fall-related injuries, according to the CDC. So, it would be wise to do all you can to protect yourself from slip and fall accidents. In many cases, the best way to do so is to prevent the hazards that would otherwise cause you to hurt yourself. 

If you have concrete floors, you’ll want to perform these preventative steps to stop yourself from falling onto such a hard surface. Here are four tips for making any concrete surface in your home safer and slip-resistant. 

1. Keep Things Clean

Let’s say you have a concrete garage floor. What happens when you warm up your car in the garage? 

It may leak a bit of oil onto the ground below. And that oil can be a considerable fall hazard — that is, of course, unless you clean it up. 

A regular cleaning schedule can keep your concrete floors safe and hazard-free. This not only means that you clean the surface to remove slippery substances, but also that you keep your home organized. That way, you’ll never slip and fall on clutter. 

2. Try a Rug

Some people have concrete floors inside of their homes, too. What if yours is in the bathroom or even under the kitchen sink? 

Well, without the proper accessories, you might be dropping water on the ground beneath you, leaving it to pool and creating a huge slipping hazard. Instead, lay down absorbent rugs in areas prone to getting wet and let them keep your floors safe without you having to lift a finger. 

3. Turn on the Light

You might miss a puddle or slick surface because you can’t see it. So, make sure the overhead lighting is good enough for you to see hazards on your concrete floor. 

This is an especially poignant tip if your concrete floors are in a basement or garage. These spaces in the home aren’t known for having great natural light, or even bright light from ample overhead bulbs. To make things safer, hang a few more light fixtures and outfit them with bright bulbs to keep yourself safe. 

4. Coat Your Concrete

Even if you take on the above advice, your concrete floor won’t be resistant to the substances that cause you to slip and fall. Instead, they’ll help you pinpoint problem areas or prevent puddles from forming. 

If you want to take things one step further, consider having a professional come and coat your concrete floors. The materials they use will resist grease, oil, gas, and other substances that might cause you to slip. In addition, top professionals will have multiple options to help create additional traction by adding special products to the coating.  Plus, this will preserve the look of your concrete floor, especially important if you’ve had yours painted. 

Don’t Slip and Fall — Seal Your Floors

You can prevent a slip and fall accident with just a few simple steps. But we just so happen to think that you should start by sealing your concrete floors. 

We can help you with that incredibly important task, too. Click here to contact us today to get started.