For many Americans, having a garage included with a home is an important feature. 65% of new homes built recently include two-car garages. While the original intended use of the garage was to park a vehicle, more and more homes now use the space for their storage solutions. 

Garage storage can be a tricky skill to master, especially if you still intend to use part of the garage to park your car. If done the right way, using the garage to store your belongings is an efficient way for a clean and organized room.

Keep reading for some storage tips on how to utilize the space in your garage and keep it from becoming a black hole for all your extra items.

Get Rid of It

The first step for garage organization is to get rid of what you don’t use. If it’s broken, in need of repair (and has been for a while), or hasn’t been used for more than a year, throw it out or offer it up on a local giveaway site in your neighborhood.

There are some objects or projects you may have held onto for the future, thinking that you will get around to it someday. However, if it’s just taking up space in your garage, these items or projects are holding you back from having a clean and workable space. 

Garage Storage: Create a Plan

High on the top of organization tips will be to create a plan before you move forward. Put this plan down on paper and see how it will work.

Do you need to purchase storage equipment? Will there be space for everything you plan on keeping? Does your plan provide room for your vehicle or worktable?

Once you are satisfied with the answers to those questions you can move on to sorting, moving, and storing. 


If your floor has been recently coated for protection and longevity, getting the bulkier items off the floor will allow the beauty of your new floor to shine as well as keeping those hard-to-store items out of the way. Hooks attaching directly into the wall are great for sports equipment and gardening tools. 

A pegboard with hooks can be attached to hold smaller equipment like hand tools, gloves, bike helmets, and more. Utilizing the unused space of the wall is a smart way to create more room in your garage. 

Label Everything

One of the best parts of organizing is the opportunity to find what you need without having to go through every box in your garage. Take the time to store like items together and label them with a system you and your family can use.

This way things go back where they should when you finish with them. The extra time spent labeling now is time you won’t have to spend sorting in the future. 

Add a Shine to Your Garage

With your items properly put away as part of your new garage storage plan, being able to see the floor of your garage will take special meaning if it’s protected (and looks great) as well. 

If you are ready to add that extra level of protection to your garage floor, contact us today! We will provide a quote and are available to serve you year-round, regardless of the weather.