The busiest time at auto shops is, without a doubt, during winter and with such a surge in the number of customers coming through the door, accidents and injury is bound to happen. 

With lots of snow, sleet, and rain around, having an auto shop with a floor that has the right coating will give you several long-term benefits. See below why a polyurea coating is a perfect solution for the floor of your automotive shop.

What Is Polyurea Coating?

Essentially, it is a coating that bonds to your garage floor and creates a barrier to protect it against scratches, the weather, and other things that may damage the floor.

Used in a wide variety of applications, a polyurea coating is the most comprehensive coating you can use for your auto shop floor today.

Ease of Installation

Installing a polyurea floor isn’t that time-consuming. From start to finish(depending on the size of the floor) and a cure time of less than a day, a shop’s floor can be completed in one day and you won’t have to shut your business down for too long, unlike epoxy coatings.

It Is Long-Lasting

Polyurea is very durable and long-lasting. This kind of coating can last upwards of ten years, and is a much less expensive alternative to other floor coatings, saving your business money in the long run.

Being very resistant to harsh conditions and foot traffic, polyurea coating won’t crack or fade in the sunlight, making it the perfect option for an auto shop.

You Won’t Slip

Did you know that slips and falls are the leading cause of death in the workplace? And the cause of more than 20% of disabling injuries?

Keeping your customers and employees safe is more important than ever and with a polyurea coating being slip-resistant, you will be doing just that.

With this garage floor coating, you’ll find that falls and accidents are reduced drastically. 

It Won’t Fade

Coming in a wide range of colors, the coating not only looks great but is UV resistant which means it won’t fade or go yellow over time as an epoxy coating would.

Oil spills and tire tread marks won’t damage the coating, making it the perfect solution for an automotive repair shop.

Easy To Clean

Accidents happen all the time and cleaning up any spills or trying to get any stains off garage floors can become extremely tiresome.

With a polyurea coating not being porous, spills won’t seep into the floor making it easy to clean up any spills without having to scrub and wasting valuable manpower hours.

Polyurea Coating Is The Answer For Auto Shops 

A good Polyurea coating is exactly what all auto shops and their floors need today. Not sure who to ask about giving your floor the revamp it so desperately needs?

Well, we’ve got your flooring needs covered (excuse the pun), get a hold of us today and see how we can turn your shop floor around in just one day!